Kampung Gede Kasepuhan Ciptagelar

>> Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Kampung Gede Kasepuhan Ciptagelar adalah sebuah kampung adat yang mempunyai ciri khas dalam lokasi dan bentuk rumah serta tradisi yang masih dipegang kuat oleh masyarakat pendukungnya. Masyarakat yang tinggal di Kampung Ciptagelar disebut masyarakat kasepuhan. Istilah kasepuhan berasal dari kata sepuh dengan awalan /ka/ dan akhiran /an/. Dalam bahasa Sunda,


Kampung Naga

Kampung Naga merupakan suatu perkampungan yang dihuni oleh sekelompok masyarakat yang sangat kuat dalam memegang adat istiadat peninggalan Ieluhumya. Hal ini akan terlihat jelas perbedaannya bila dibandingkan dengan masyarakat lain di luar Kampung Naga. Masyarakat Kampung Naga hidup pada suatu tatanan yang dikondisikan dalam suasana kesahajaan dan lingkungan kearifan tradisional yang lekat.


Railway Viaduct

>> Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Railway Viaduct, Jalan Suniaraja and the Cikapundung River. This area of the city was planned by Thomas Karsten to be an open space in the middle of the city over the Cikapundung River. Its massive walls support the railroad line that leads to Yogyakarta and Surabaya.


Villa Isola

Villa Isola, Jalan Setia Budhi 229.
Constructed in 1933 as a private home for an Italian named D.W Baretty, the building was designed by CP Wolff-Schoemaker. Beretty was the owner of an international news agency that later became
Indonesia’s Antara News Agency. Isola refers to the isolation of the residence when it was built on the dirt road going north to Lembang and Tangkuban Perahu. It was beautifully designed and gorgeously landscape and remains the foremost Art Deco monument I Indonesia. It is currently used as the Rector’s Office for the state teachers college, UPI.


Eksotisme "Dapur Keliling"


Setiap hari sekitar pukul 23.00, sebuah gerobak milik seorang pedagang menyusuri jalan-jalan di Kampung Ligu Tengah, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah. "Te… sate…," teriaknya dengan nada khas. Di samping teriakan tersebut, bunyi gemerincing potongan seng yang ditaruh di bawah dan tergesek dengan aspal jalan menjadi ciri khas kedatangan penjual sate asal Madura itu.


Potensi Sebuah Ruang Terbuka Kota

Jaarbeurs, Jalan Aceh 50. This complex, designed as a civic exposition center in 1917 by the Schoemaker brothers,s now a military compound. Originally it was the site of the annual trade fair (Jaarbeurs), which presented the products of the Priangan region to investors from all over the Netherlands Indies, and often to perspective buyers from Europe. This was staged every June and July, and
Bandung took on a decidedly festive air, with street entertainments and parades on Jalan Braga.C.P Wolff-Schoemaker is credited as the designer of the Atlas figures which adorn the façade of the main building. Covered up in the 1070s and 1980s, these nude figures have been uncovered and restored and are now a part of the civic art of the city.


The First Waterfall a spectacular 80-m drop

>> Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Halfway down the canyon to the first waterfall, you are treated to a truly spectacular view: the water thunders over the high cliff and bounces once in the upper third before dropping straight into the base pool 80 m below. The pool is rather shallow, and swimming is not really possible, but it is sufficient to splash around in. Once you are there,


Curug Cimahi


Anak TK Antusias Ikuti ”Kaulinan Lembur”

Kampung Ciptarasa

DUA siswa TK Al Halus Kabupaten Bandung memeragakan sebuah permainan "galah porog" berupa menjaga lawan agar tidak menerobos garis yang dijaga, pada "Festival Kaulinan Urang Lembur" yang diselenggarakan TK Graha Ananda dan didukung Pemprov Jabar dan HU ”Pikiran Rakyat”, di Bale Anak Jalan Sumatera Bandung, Sabtu (27/8).* Dudi Sugandi/”PR”

Sekira 200 anak dari lima taman kanak-kanak (TK) terlihat antusias dan bergembira saat melakukan kaulinan urang lembur yang berlangsung di pelataran FO Bale Anak, Jalan Sumatera Kota Bandung, Sabtu (27/8).
Sementara, orang tua yang mengantarkan anak-anaknya turut larut atau mungkin terkenang ke masa lalu saat menyaksikan permainan yang saat ini sudah tak dikenal lagi, seperti oray-orayan, turih oncom, gatrik, gobak, galah, ambil-ambilan, slepdur, sondah, dan


Cisarua Area

Cisarua area, roughly 15 km north of Bandung, is very scenic, easily accessible, and less crowded than Lembang-Maribaya area. The main attractions here are the three waterfalls along the Cimahi River and the small idyllic Lake Lembang (Situ Lembang). The village of Cisarua constitutes the focal point oh the area.


Galah Asin

Permainan galah asin yang dalam bahasa Jawa disebut bak sodor dimainkan baik oleh anak laki-laki maupun perempuan. Permainan dilakukan dalam daerah persegi panjang berpetak enam. Lebar dua petak dan panjang tiga petak. Permainan dilakukan oleh dua team yang masing-masing team berjumlah tiga orang. Satu team sebagai penjaga yang bertugas menjaga petak agar


Walking on the Top Southern Slopes

There are two popular hiking trails on the southern slopes of Mt. Tangkuban Perahu. One of them leads up from the Sukawana Tea Estate toe the south western crater rim (see The Cisarua Area); the other one is from the center of Lembang to the large car park called Jayagiri, which is about halfway up the slope from the main road. This second climb takes about two hours at a relaxed pace.


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