Tourism Satellite Account (Neraca Satelit Pariwisata)

>> Monday, June 22, 2009

Oleh: Dieny Ferbianty


Pariwisata merupakan suatu fenomena yang tumbuh pesat setelah Perang Dunia II. Situasi ini menimbulkan keinginan untuk mengukur kontribusi pariwisata terhadap perekonomian dan mengevaluasi ketergantungan pariwisata terhadap aktifitas sosial dan ekonomi lain di suatu negara. Oleh karena itulah setiap negara mengembangkan neraca pariwisata sendirinya.


Tourism Satellite Account (TSA)

A Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) is a statistical accountant framework in the field of tourism and measures the goods and services according to international standards of concepts, classifications and definitions which allow valid comparisons from country to country in a consistent manner. A complete TSA contains detailed production accounts of the tourism industry and their linkages to other industries, employment, capital formation and additional non-monetary information on tourism.

Why TSA is necessary
Statistical reasons:

Unlike output defined industries, such as agriculture or manufacturing, the primarily demand-defined tourism industry is not measured as a sector in its own right in National Accounts. Most of the statistical information provided on the specifics and developments of tourism is primarily based on arrivals and overnight stay statistics as well as balance of payments information.

Economic policy reasons:
Europe is the tourist destination N° 1 in the world. Depending on the definition of the tourism sector it employs between about 8.6 and 24 million people in the Community (corresponding to around 4 and 11 % of total labour force) and creates 4 or 11 % of the Community’s GDP.

This major economic importance of tourism for the economy - made evident by some TSA-based estimations - increased the awareness of the importance of the sector, its socio-cultural and environmental impacts as well as its contributions to the achieving of the goals of the Lisbon strategy - to increase economic growth and to create more and better jobs.

The currently available statistics, however, do not sufficiently grasp the whole economic phenomenon of tourism.

In the late 1980s the OECD, UN and WTO encouraged the evolution of a tourism specific economic data system which is coherent with the concepts, classifications and definitions of national accounting standards. A Recommended Methodological Framework was concluded between UN, OECD, the World Tourism Organisation and Eurostat in 2000 and published by the UN in 2001.

EUROSTAT worked out an implementation manual for the EU with the aim to provide operational guidelines for empirical compilation of the TSA in an efficient procedure.

Source: Source: European Commission, Enterprise and Industry Tourism


International Tourist Arrivals and Tourism Receipts by Region and Country

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International Tourist Arrivals :

International Tourism Receipts (US$)


TSA: Tourism Satellite Account

Apakah Tujuan TSA?
Pariwisata merupakan situasi sementara dari wisatawan : wisatawan mengadakan perjalanan ke suatu tempat yang bukan lingkungan biasa, kurang dari 1 tahun, dan bukan untuk bekerja, inilah yang membedakan wisatawan dengan konsumen lain. Karakter khusus dari wisatawan ini tidak bias diakomodir oleh system yang ada sebelumnya (SNA), dimana para pembuat transaksi digolongkan berdasarkan sifat permanen, yaitu bahwa mereka berada di Negara masing-masing. Selain itu karena pariwisata tidak diukur berdasarkan produksi seprti sector-sektor lain, tetapi berdasarkan apa yang dibeli wisatawan dan Pariwisata merupaka aktifitas permintaan yang menyentuh banyak industri seperti : akomodasi,transportasi, makanan, minuman dan hiburan.
TSA ini dirancang dengan tujuan untuk mengukur dampak ekonomi dari perjalanan dan pariwisata dalam skala nasional,regional,ataupun internasional secara lebih akurat dan kompprehensif. Dengan adanya standar yang berlaku secara internasional, maka setiap Negara menyusun Neraca Pariwisata Nasionalnya dengan cara yang sama, sehingga pengukuran terhadap aktifitas pariwisata konsisten dan bisa diperbandingkan antar negara. Misalnya, untuk mengetahui dampak pariwisata terhadap upah di Negara Guam, kita bisa langsung melihatnya dari tabel/pos neraca upah yang sama, yang telah ditentukan dalam TSA (, diakses tanggal 20 Juni 2007). Tujuan lain dari disusunnya TSA adalah untuk menganalisa secara detail semua aspek permintaan barang dan jasa yang berhubungan dengan pariwisata, untuk menggambarkan bagaimana supply berinteraksi dengan aktifitas ekonomi lain (, diakses tanggal 20 Juni 2007.

Apakah Keuntungan Menggunakan TSA?
Keuntungan menggunakan TSA :
1. Bisa mengkomunikasikan nilai dari pariwisata bagi para pembuat kebijakan, pebisnis maupun masyarakat, hal ini dilungkinkan karena TSA menghitung kotribusi pariwisata terhadap GDP, lapangan pekerjaan, upah dan pajak serta keuntungan untuk sektor ekonomi lain
2. Dapat menjawab pertanyaan, cukupkah promosi dan prasarana yang disediakan pemerintah untuk pariwisata? Hal ini memungkinkan, karena dalam TSA terdapat perbandingan antara dorongan yang dilakukn pemerintah dan pendapatan yang diperoleh
3. Dalam TSA, para pembuat kebijakan bis membandingkan pertumbuhan pariwisata dengan sector industri lain, sehingga mereka dapat menentukan target pembangunan ekonomi yang mana yang terbaik.
4. TSA memungkinkan seorang peneliti untuk menilai sehat tidaknya suatu penanaman modal dalam suatu industri pariwisata.
5. TSA menyediakan standar internasional yang dapat dijadikan bahan “Benchmarking” bagi negara-negara di dunia. .(, diakses tanggal 20 Juni 2007).

Artikel Terkait:


UNWTO International Conference on Tourism Statistics in Bali: Tourism: an engine for employment creation and economic stimulus

The tourism industry continues to be amongst the most dynamic economic sectors, generating a wide range of benefits including a growing contribution to GDP, in some cases over 10 percent, and substantial foreign exchange earnings. Tourism as a reliable tool for sustainable job creation was at the center of the 5th UNWTO International Conference on Tourism Statistics (Bali, Indonesia, March 3-April 2), with 450 participants from 70 countries and nine international organizations.

Tourism plays a crucial role in the creation of employment, which is especially important during the current economic crisis. The key challenges are to establish sustainable policies to enhance both the quantity and quality of employment in the tourism industry.

Participants in the conference underscored the importance of public-private cooperation, particularly in the framework of advancing the Decent Work Agenda promoted by the International Labour Organization (ILO, a key partner of UNWTO within the UN family). In this regard it was agreed to both protect and promote the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) as a powerful brand, which should be carefully developed and applied for the measurement of tourism’s contribution to developed and developing economies alike.

UNWTO’s secretary-general ad interim Taleb Rifai said, “It’s crucial that we offer technical assistance to our member states to enable them to measure how many jobs tourism generates in the economy, tourism’s contribution to GDP, and tourism’s ranking in comparison with other sectors of the economy.”

The International Conference on Tourism Statistics coincided with the efforts of the G20, meeting in London, UK, to stimulate the global economy. The TSA further underscores the potential of tourism and travel in any stimulus package and the shift towards a green economy, as stated in an open message by UNWTO to the G20.

Against this background, Mr. Rifai added: “In many countries, tourism has suffered from a lack of political and popular support, because its true economic significance has often been underestimated. Now there is increasing awareness of tourism’s role as a productive activity and its potential to generate employment, government income, and other benefits whether directly or through induced effects in the economy. This is increasingly important due to the role tourism can play in combating the current crisis.”

The conference was jointly organized by UNWTO and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia, with the support of the UN Statistics Division (UNSD), the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), the ILO, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

For complete information Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) Data on the conference. Please Click



System of Tourism Statistics (STS)

A System of Tourism Statistics (STS) should be understood, as that part of the National Statistical System (NSS) providing reliable, consistent and appropriate statistical information on the socio-economic aspects related to tourism, integrated within all the economic and social statistics related to other fields, at different territorial levels (national –or federal, where appropriate-, infra-national and international).

The design of a national STS should be viewed as the basic coordination and integration framework of the statistical information produced by all tourism stakeholders. Concepts, definitions, classifications, data, indicators, aggregates and table of results relating to tourism, designed so as to provide an exhaustive description of the tourism phenomenon in all its aspects (physical, social, economic, etc.) and a measurement of its economic contribution within a context of international comparability are a structural part of the NSS.

The new International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics 2008 (IRTS 2008) and 2008 Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework (TSA:RMF 2008) constitute the updated reference framework for the STS. As a consequence, they should be used as a reference for harmonization, coordination and integration of available tourism statistical information, although this information might extend in the coming years beyond the still restricted domain these recommendations touch upon: for instance, by extending the concept of consumption to include other components of demand (such as collective consumption and gross fixed capital formation), by developing the sub-national perspective, by developing the link with other statistical system such as that on environmental issues, etc.

For a more detailed description see:



The Social Construction of Tourism

Cultural Tourism has become a major industry worldwide. In countries like France, Italy, England the "culture" that is displayed and encountered by the traveller is that of the levels of what we call High Culture within the overall social framework of those countries. Elsewhere, and particularly in the colonised (as opposed to colonising) countries, this is not the case.In these instances Cultural Tourism takes on the ambiance of an encounter with the Exotic Other. And this other, is usually the indigenous person living in a subbordinated role in their own land. They are often exploited by other tourism operators for the tourist dollar, and rarely do they own and control the way that they are portrayed, or the kinds of dicourse they can have with the traveller. Critical Cultural Tourism addresses these issues. In this PDF we will interrogate the issue of the colonisation, displacement, replacement and renaming by which a socially constructed history is developed. We will look at what role this dominant culture version of history plays in the tourism industry. We look at the impact of international capital and globalisation on indigenous prople in general and on cultural tourism in particular. Finally we unpack the issue of commodification in the Tourism Industry which leads to the production of products and practices that are insulting to the intelligence of the traveller and the tourism operator alike, and we pose the question "Is it possible to have an authentic Cultural Tourism experience?" And if so, what would it look like?

Download PDF here



Urban Tourism

Urban tourism is the set of tourist resources or activities located in towns and cities and offered to visitors from elsewhere. (IQM, 2000)


Definition of Tourism

It comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited.

Tourism is different from travel. In order for tourism to happen, there must be a displacement: an individual has to travel, using any type of means of transportation (he might even travel on foot: nowadays, it is often the case for poorer societies, and happens even in more developed ones, and concerns pilgrims, hikers …). But all travel is not tourism.

Three criteria are used simultaneously in order to characterize a trip as belonging to tourism. The displacement must be such that:

  • It involves a displacement outside the usual environment: this term is of utmost importance and will be discussed later on;
  • Type of purpose: the travel must occur for any purpose different from being remunerated from within the place visited: the previous limits, where tourism was restricted to recreation and visiting family and friends are now expanded to include a vast array of purposes;
  • Duration: only a maximal duration is mentioned, not a minimal. Tourism displacement can be with or without an overnight stay. We shall discuss the particularity of in transit visits, from a conceptual and statistical point of view.

Source: unwto


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